The Southern California Section of the American Chemical Society (SCALACS) is pleased to invite you to a free virtual seminar on Climate Change. This presentation is made possible by the American Chemical Society LSAC Innovative Projects Grant (IPG).
Event: SCALACS Virtual Climate Change Symposium
Date: Friday, September 27, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM PT
Presentation Details
Title: “Stories from STEM – Know Your Power”
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM PT
Presented by: Professor Doris Lewis
STEM courses can be challenging for both students and teachers, but the rewards are well worth the effort. An understanding of climate change chemistry is easily accessible through basic chemical equations and can provide the basis for meaningful actions. You are not alone in this journey; the American Chemical Society can support you with resources and lifelong opportunities for career networking and influencing public policy. Stories from a career in STEM may inspire you to persevere and perhaps to tell your own story.
About the Speaker:
Doris Lewis hails from West Virginia. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Duke University and Ph.D. from Tufts University.
Dr. Lewis’s own story involved growing up in West Virginia, the experiences and influences that propelled her into pursuing a professional career in chemistry, and the challenges of being a woman in the field of chemistry. She began her career at Suffolk University in Boston where she served as department chair. Her many contributions to the department over 37 years, include the founding of the Forensic Science program, interdisciplinary collaborations with Suffolk’s MBA program, and creating a popular series of courses related to food and nutrition. Another notable contribution was her role in establishing an award-winning Suffolk University student chapter of the American Chemical Society which provided many professional development opportunities to her students.
Dr. Lewis is also the recipient of the E. Ann Nalley Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society and James Flack Norris Award for Service to the Northeastern Section (NESACS) and the Profession of Chemistry.
Dr. Lewis is Chair of the NESACS Government Relations Committee. Past NESACS activities include being NESACS Chair (2000) and ACS Councilor. She is Professor Emerita of Chemistry at Suffolk University and an ACS Fellow. She is currently associate member of the ACS Committee on Technician Affairs.
Title: “Towards Electrification of the Chemical Industry”
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM PT
Presented by: Professor Shelley Minteer
In the last 5+ years, there has been a focus on improving the sustainability and decarbonization of the chemical industry via electrosynthesis. However, electrochemical approaches have been challenged by poor reaction selectivity. This talk will discuss using biocatalysts as electrocatalysts to address this selectivity issue, including both mediated enzymatic bioelectrocatalysis and direct enzymatic bioelectrocatalysis. The talk will discuss electrode materials innovation for interfacing complex proteins with electrode surfaces as well as using them for electrosynthesis of ammonia as well as other value-added products (i.e. chiral amines, chiral imines, polymers, etc.). There will be a focus on sustainability in the chemical industry.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Shelley Minteer is a Professor of Chemistry and the Director of the Kummer Institute Center for Resource Sustainability at Missouri University of Science and Technology. She is also the Director of the NSF Center for Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry.
She received her Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Iowa in 2000 under the direction of Professor Johna Leddy. After receiving her Ph.D., she spent 11 years as a faculty in the Department of Chemistry at Saint Louis University before moving to the University of Utah in 2011 to lead the USTAR Alternative Energy Cluster. She was a Technical Editor for the Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2013-2016) and also an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Chemical Society (2016-2020) before becoming the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of the ACS Au Journals. She has published more than 450 publications and made more than 550 presentations at national and international conferences and universities.
She has won several awards including the Luigi Galvani Prize of the Bioelectrochemical Society, International Society of Electrochemistry Tajima Prize and Bioelectrochemistry Prize, Grahame Award of the Electrochemical Society, Fellow of the Electrochemical Society and the International Society of Electrochemistry, American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Electrochemistry, and the Society of Electroanalytical Chemists’ Young Investigator Award and Reilley Award. Her research interests are focused on electrocatalysis and bioanalytical electrochemistry. She has expertise in biosensors, biofuel cells, electrosynthesis, and bioelectronics.
Registration Details and Link:
To attend the symposium, please register via Zoom: HERE.
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