September 27, 2006Mount St. Mary’s College (Doheny Campus)
10 Chester Place
Los Angeles, CA
Got Outreach? – Celebrating Volunteers in Chemistry Outreach
Dr. Robert deGroot
Abstract: Be a catalyst for chemistry outreach!
Join us and learn about how you can be part of the ACS outreach team. Find out about NCW and the newest community outreach program Chemists Celebrate Earth Day (CCED).
During this meeting, our local section will be honoring several student affiliates chapters for their hard work, innovative programming, and creativity in engaging the public. Meet and talk with these heroes of the outreach effort. Learn how you too can be a hero of chemistry outreach. In addition to an appetite for food be prepared for an evening of activity and inspiration.
Biography: Bob de Groot has served as the Southern California Local Section community activities coordinator for over 6 years. He collaborates with ACS members nationally by participating as a member of the Committee on Community Activities and the Committee on Public Relations and Communications. Bob recently completed a Ph.D. in science education at the University of Southern California.
Time: 6:00 Check-in, 7:00 dinner, 8:00 Program
Cost: The dinner will be a Tex Mex Buffet featuring chicken and vegetarian fajitas with all the fixings. The cost is $24 per person (1/2 price for students with ID) including tax and tip. If you would like to attend the program at 8:00 without dinner, there is no charge. However, please let us know so that we may have sufficient seating for everyone.
Reservations: Please call Nancy at the Section Office at (310) 327-1216 or email office-at-scalacs-dot-org by Monday, September 25, 2006. Note: Please honor your reservation. If you make a reservation and do not attend, you will be liable for the cost of the dinner.
Directions: From the Santa Monica (10) Freeway, exit at Hoover and travel south about 3/4 mile. Turn left on Adams Blvd. and travel 3 blocks. Turn left on St. James Place and then right on St. James Park. From the Harbor (110) Freeway, exit at Adams Blvd. Travel 1/2 mile west on Adams Blvd. Turn right onto St. James place and again on St. James Park. The Donohue Conference Center is on the northwest corner of St. James Park and Chester Place. Parking will be in the AAA lot.