Saturday, March 9, 2019
Mount Saint Mary’s University
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH), a career day generously supported by the Southern California Section, informs girls in grades 5-8 about careers in math- and science-related fields. Girls participate in hands-on workshops such as dissecting pig hearts, isolating DNA, and making colors with chemistry. There are also workshops for parents, teachers and counselors about making math and science a career option for girls. If you are a woman interested in leading a hands-on workshop for girls, volunteering to help, or have questions, please contact Eleanor Siebert (
Registration for the conference is open NOW. All girls in grades 5-8 and their parents are invited to participate. There is a $20 fee for each participant to cover lunch and materials. Note that only paid registered participants may attend the conference. Please register online; there is no on-site registration: Please see the flyer here: 2019EYH Flyer