1988 Recipient of the Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Agnes Ann Green has been selected as the first recipient of the Distinguished Service Award of the Southern California Section for her outstanding record of continuous service and major contributions to the Section and National ACS.
As an ACS member in good standing since 1943, Agnes Ann Green has been a devoted and active member of the Southern California Section since 1957, by far, the longest record of anyone currently involved in the governance of the Section. During her 31 years of continuous and unselfish service to the Section, she has been a pioneer and role model for the women chemists of Southern California, having served as the first woman Chairman, 1972-73, as well as chairing the committees on chemical education, nominations and awards, and long-range planning. In addition, she is currently serving as Chairman of the Section’s Membership and Handbook Revisions Committees, and a member of the Hospitality Committee for the Fall National ACS Meeting in Los Angeles.
On the National ACS level, she is well-known and highly respected, having been elected to five consecutive terms as Councilor since 1975. Appointed by National ACS Presidents beginning in 1970, she has successfully served on the Women Chemists Committee, Council Committee on Chemical Education, and Council Committee on Membership Affairs. In addition, she was recently elected by the members of the Council to the important Committee on Committees.
In naming Dr. Agnes Ann Green recipient of the first Distinguished Service Award, the Section recognizes the high quality of service and her untiring efforts on behalf of the Southern California Section of ACS. Her contributions are representative of those of outstanding individuals sought by the Awards Committee in selecting recipients of the Distinguished Service Award.